Happily Ever After Potion

Jan 29, 2025, 1:00:00 PM

A warm fairytale cider for every character in your story!


1 64 oz. bottle 100% unsweetened apple cider

1 tbsp. vanilla extract

3 cinnamon sticks plus extra for decoration

3 whole cloves

1 Granny-Smith apple peeled with seeds and core removed

1 Granny-Smith apple sliced for garnish


  1. With the help of a parent, combine all the ingredients except the sliced Granny-Smith apple in a large saucepan. Heat until boiling and bubbly.
  2. Reduce the potion to a simmer and place the lid on it. Cook your potion for 30 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat, and scoop out the spices from potion using a slotted spoon. The apple is the magic ingredient, so leave that in the potion!
  4. Garnish your cauldron (or mug) with a fresh cinnamon stick and apple slice. Serve hot.
  5. Your magic potion is ready to enjoy!

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